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It is important to keep your baby’s delicate skin clean to ensure good health. Some babies take time to get used to being in water but it is not long before they look forward to having a good splash in the bath.  Different products and bathing accessories age are available in the market today. However, the most important bathing essentials are given here to ensure that bathing is always a safe and fun activity.   Baby bath  You may like to have a special baby bathtub for your baby. There are a number of designs available in the market to choose...

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baby bassinet, baby care, baby cloths, baby crib, baby toys, Bathing Baby, predict gender -

In case you are interested to find your baby's gender accurately, then you will have to consult your gynaecologist. There are a few tests that your doctor can undertake to determine your baby’s gender. These methods, though highly accurate are not 100 percent. These days, there are plenty of high-tech ways to predict baby gender, but it's still loads of fun to use the low-tech ways though they are not so accurate.    Predicting Baby Gender the Low-Tech Way If you do not wish to get involved in tests, you can certainly have fun experimenting with the many old wives’...

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